Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Our Holiday Mission: Operation Band-Aid

Children whose parents are battling addiction have little hope of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. These kids don't dream of turkey, stuffing or pumpkin pie. They don't look forward to piling their plates high with a mountain of mashed potatoes drowning in gravy. The children you'll read about below are struggling just to feel like they have a family. There are days when the grownups in the house are too consumed with their own problems of addiction to act like parents. Addiction Overcome, Inc. is asking you to help.

We are already making inroads with the parents and helping them find appropriate substance abuse rehabilitation programs in their communities. That is our "first helping"--getting the parents to a point where they can once again participate in their children's lives.

Operation Band-Aid

is for the kids. All they want is for someone to care about them, to acknowledge them, and perhaps, just for one day, let them be a kid.

We are calling this a "band-aid" project because we know that it won't in itself cure the disease of addiction even in one small family. But when we are hurting, especially as children, sometimes we just need a band-aid to make us feel better. Sadly, when a wound is bleeding or not treated correctly, it can become infected and in an addicted family, the infection is far too often another generation of addicts. We want to step in and band-aid the wounds in this way so that the child remembers there are other ways to cope with pain and life's "owies" than using drugs or alcohol. There are people who care about them, right where they are, and care about their parents as well. Until we can get them more hope and more help, we can at least provide band-aids this holiday season.

Where the parents are unable to fill the basic needs for their children, Addiction Overcome, Inc. steps in. We have a growing list of children who need clothes and shoes that fit. We'd also like to be able to give these kids some fun gifts that their parents are incapable of giving.

Most importantly, we want to address the spiritual needs of the families, and point them toward Jesus. We believe this is a key component in ensuring that addictions are overcome and a meaningful life is restored.

As you read the profiles of the families below, please consider giving them


Just click on the Donate button found at the end of each story. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

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